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You're Invited: 5 Ways to Create the Perfect Gay Wedding Guest List.

Gay Wedding Guest List Tips

1. Go big, go deep.

If you have a large wedding, include people who were important in your past with whom you're not in close touch today. Your big day is a great way to reconnect with friends new and old.

2. What happens at the office party.

Find a policy between the two of you that includes or doesn’t include work associates so that you’re consistent.

3. Tit for tat.

Remember that most people who have invited you to their wedding will most likely expect an invitation to yours

4. Baby not on board.

Decide whether you would like to include children on the invitations and call your friends and family ahead of time and let them know what you’ve decided. They will understand either way.

5. We are at capacity.

Generally speaking, gay weddings have a higher than average response rate due to the fact that friends and family want to express their support for your right to marry.

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