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Supermodel Work: 5 Pointers to Make the Most of Your Gay Wedding Photography

1. Early bird gets the shot. Hire your gay wedding photographer early in the process so s/he can take your gay engagement shots. This will help you all get comfortable with each other and you can use these shots to personalize invitations, your wedding website and other experiences during the wedding.

2. You’re on the list. Give your photographer the names of people with whom you want to make sure you get photos. He or she can set to stalking them on Facebook to get familiar with their faces.

3. Move over Kardashians. Prepare for an unimaginable number of selfies before, during and after the ceremony. Have a hashtag for your gay wedding so your guests can tag your photos and you can easily track these photos after the wedding.

4. Lights, camera, action. Carefully consider investing in a videographer to capture the ceremony, reception and dinner. You will be overwhelmed by the event and most couples wish they could “re-live” the day.

5. Paparazzi. Ask your photographer to use long lenses to not be too intrusive for candid shots during the ceremony and dinner. In fact, maybe skip photographing dinner all together as no one has ever looked good being filmed while eating!

Need gay wedding photography advice? Read our interview with the extremely talented gay wedding photographer Justin McCallum for how to get great gay wedding photographs.