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Lights! Camera! Wedding!!s

So you have always wanted to be in movies? Some of us have a face destined for the big screen, others would opt for radio. We’ll let you decide your fate as a star, but we will recommend you hire a videographer for your wedding. We recently heard from our grooms: Andrew and Jon, that they wish they'd invested in a videographer. And, here's why:

The day is going to fly by faster than a wardrobe malfunction at the Oscars.

And, while you think you'll remember each and every moment, the reality is that come Monday morning, you are going to look at each other and ask: “Did that really just happen?” or, “I wish we could do it all over again.” Well guess what? It did and you can.

Long gone are the days of massive cameras and intrusive lighting. In fact, some people are capturing amazing video on their smartphones. And, somewhere in between, you will find a talented videographer (quite possibly the same person as your photographer) who can shoot your wedding on a handheld camera, no different from the one you might take on say, your honeymoon!

Take the plunge, and find a videographer you like and understands what your looking for. It’s a worthwhile investment and wonderful way to share the day with those who couldn’t make it. Whether you're destined for the silver screen or better left to the screen in your TV room, your wedding memories are ones you want to have forever.