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O'Sullivan Speeches

I create bespoke wedding speeches that you can proudly deliver on the day!

Publicly speaking about your feelings isn't an everyday thing, there can be a lot of pressure. I'm here to help you find the perfect words, so that you can get the laughter, applause and admiration of everyone in the room.

My name is Fergus O'Sullivan. I studied psychology and trained as an actor, so I am uniquely positioned to help you write and deliver your wedding speech. With my psychological background, I know how to listen to what you want; help you find the right words to express yourself and make it a stress-free experience. As an actor, I understand what it’s like to speak in public and how to make your nerves a strength, not a weakness.

I want to help you in this process because, I believe opportunities to say how we really feel are rare, and that often we're bad at seizing them. I learnt young with my dad’s death that once someone is gone, there isn’t another chance to say these things and as a gay man, I've learnt that being honest about how you feel and who you are is the most important thing there is. There isn’t a better gift, or a more memorable one, than telling someone how you really feel about them.

My philosophy is that every speech should be as unique as the person delivering it. You are the special ingredient to your speech. Your stories, your honesty and your humour are what's gonna make this speech a success, and I am here to get the best out of you.

London-based and available for remote consultation, contact below!