Grooms Just Want to Have Fun.

It is not every day that you get to profess your love to your guy and party down with everyone you love most. So, make sure you have the best-damned time doing both, every step of the way.

We aren’t going to lie to you, though. You are going to have some stressful moments. Moments in which you will turn full-on Exorcist over a mishap with a table linen or moments where having to make one more *$&#(@ decision will make you want to seriously consider conversion therapy. But, remember this:

You, your guy and everyone at your gay wedding are there for one reason and one reason only: to celebrate the love between you and your husband to be.

That experience will be the most amazing, fun-filled, tear-stained and memory-making rollercoaster ride. And you should be present for all of it. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter whether your gardenias reached peak bloom by the time everyone sat down to dinner.

Despite how stressy things will get during planning or the big day, remember your wedding day is about indulging in your love for each other, being surrounded by those who love you most and eating, drinking and dancing ‘til your heart’s content. Everything else is icing on the wedding cake.

At MEN'S VOWS, we provide you with a plethora of men's same sex wedding resources that will help you plan your big day with minimal stress.

Refer to our real gay wedding stories in which real gay couples share lessons learned from their own wedding planning experiences!
