
It might come as a surprise to those reading our Food & Wine issue to come across an article about sober weddings, but they are a thing, and a good one at that!

Whether you’re living a very disciplined life or wanting to save money on your wedding, a sober wedding is a fantastic option for you. But, if you’re keeping it dry, what do you do with your guests who might be expecting a nuptial bender?

Herewith, some pointers for making a sober wedding and awesome one.

1-     Pick a venue that doesn’t allow alcohol: Many state facilities – parks, landmarks, government buildings – do not permit the consumption of alcohol on premise. But, many of these same said sites are stunning options for a wedding. For those who might be perplexed by not having a full bar, but the venue will go a long way to getting them drunk on love and beauty.


2-     Get married at a time when people are prone to drink less: Sunrise weddings or even morning ones are an ideal way of turning people away from the wet bar to the coffee bar. And, take a serous look at a sunrise wedding for a truly remarkable experience.


3-     Make yours a kid-friendly wedding: A bit of an oxymoron here. If the kids are there, you might want to drink more! But, reality is, if you’re keeping an eye on the kids, you’re likely keeping your eye off the sauce.


4-     Go mocktail crazy: Mixologists today are making some of the most delectable cocktails that are just as good served as mocktails. Make your “bar” one that serves the most exquisite and creative cocktails that are simply alcohol-free.


5-     Keep it entertaining: Whether a DJ who is spinning her heart out, an emcee/comedian who makes you laugh your ass off or even outlandish activities that keep you engaged, the point is to make sure you generate the energy that usually comes from a drink or 12, through other fun and physical means.


Fact of the matter is, sober doesn’t have to mean somber and being drunk on gin and juice can mean being drunk on love and happiness. Keep your wedding sober for a really good time!

